
The finest, award winning accommodations.
The most breathtaking setting.
Your sanctuary awaits...

There's a surge in new lodging out there brought to you by folks renting a room in their personal home or a vacation property with no management on site.
(You know what we're talking about.)
Some aren't licensed. Some have little to no oversight. Most have crazy cleaning fees or rules about doing laundry before you leave and trash removal and not touching the owner's stuff.
The Kickapoo Valley Guests Cabins, the highest rated, licensed, inspected, & insured lodging property in the Midwest, is nothing like any of that. Eight, pristine & fully appointed, individual guest cabins that are all your own while you are here. No beds to strip or trash to take out. Drawers & cabinets full of everything that you could ever need. And no signs that a room or drawer is off limits. The best. Ever.